WNC Orchard Insect Pest Populations – May 22, 2024

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Codling mothOnce again, codling moth continues to be the key pest of concern throughout the region, and we are in the middle of first generation flight. Degree-day accumulations range from about 480 in Henderson County to 670 in Cleveland County, which corresponds to approximately 20 and 60% completion of egg hatch. Although populations appear to be quite low in commercial orchards, one should assume populations are potentially high enough to require insecticidal control if NOT using mating disruption or monitoring flight activity with pheromone traps. Two-week interval sprays of recommended insecticides are usually sufficient.

Tufted apple bud moth (TABM) DD accumulations range from 680 in Henderson County to 850 in Cleveland County, and a single application between about 800 to 1200 DD will provide excellent control if applying Intrepid, a diamide (Altacor, Exirel, Verdepryn) or Delegate. In Henderson County and similar elevations, 800 DD is predicted for early next week.

Learn more about southeastern apple insect pests at the Apple Insect Management page.

2024 Average Weekly Trap Captures

Insects per trap
May 6 May 13 May 20
Codling moth  0.0 1.0 0.5
Oriental fruit moth 21.5 11.0 12.0
Tufted apple bud moth 16.0 20.0 33.0
Redbanded leafroller 0.0 0.0 1.0
Obliquebanded leafroller 0.0 1.0 0.0
Lesser appleworm 0.0 4.0 0.0
Apple maggot (abandoned and research orchards)
Brown marmorated stink bug (commercial)
Brown marmorated stink bug (unsprayed) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Spotted tentiform leafminer n/a 0.0 0.0
Dogwood borer 17.0 22.0 0.0
Peachtree borer 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lesser peachtree borer 12.0 7.0 6.0
San Jose scale 0.0 0.0 0.0

*Note that these averages illustrate only the timing of insect emergence and fluctuations in populations, and are not representative of population levels in any given orchard. The only way to have an accurate assessment of an individual orchard’s populations is to set up traps in that orchard.

2024 Accumulated Degree Days

May 6 May 13 May 20
Codling moth (Biofix: April 15) 239 336 439
Oriental fruit moth (Biofix: March 15) 625 755 893
Tufted apple bud moth (Biofix: April 15) 331 461 599

About degree-day models

2024 Pest Population Trends

Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends Chart showing insect population trends